Useful Websites and Resources
Wellbeing is everyone’s responsibility at St Mary’s. We strive to develop and support each person on their wellbeing journey as we believe having a mentally healthy community is not about being happy all of the time, but by working together through challenges and sharing the celebrations, feeling supported, heard, accepted, valued and empowered.
At St Mary’s, we believe everyone can flourish and we have been working in partnership with Bury's Mental Health Support Team to improve our offer for the whole school community. All of our staff have received the Emotional Friendly Setting training and are currently working on developing our offer.
Mrs Holding is the designated Senior Mental Health Lead at St Mary's and works closely with the SENDCO, PSHCE Lead and pastoral staff to ensure we support and address the needs of our children. If you have a concern or want advice please speak to Mrs Holding.
Our wellbeing is a big part of this as it affects how we relate, interact, learn and grow. Ultimately, the day-to-day ethos and approach we have at our school has an impact on the well-being of all of us, therefore at St Mary’s we strive to promote well-being through some of our strategic goals. The goals that promote wellbeing are; that we be the best we can be, we are all in this together and that we take care of ourselves and each other.
The five ways to wellbeing are:
Connect - connect with people around you.
Be active - find an activity that you enjoy and make it a part of your life.
Keep Learning - learning new skills can give you a sense of achievement and a new confidence.
Give to others – give to those in need or even giving a smile, a thank you or a kind word.
Be mindful - be more aware of the present moment, including your thoughts and feelings, your body and the world around you.
Thriving in Bury for Children and Young People has a wealth of resources for children and young people living in Bury who need support with their emotional health and well being. There are different levels of support available to families and the link below contains lots of useful information and guidance on how to access the right support.