St Mary's CE Primary School

St Mary's CE Primary School
Love Learning. Love Each Other.

School Day

Currently we operate a system of staggered starts, breaks and finish times, in order to provide a calm and more orderly start and end to the school day. When your child joins our school, you will be informed of the start and finish time of their class. 

All children have at least a 6.5 hour school day – equating to 32.5 hours per week. As a Church of England Aided School, we very much count the time of worship as an essential part of the school day.

Start Finish Hours per day Hours per week

Breakfast Club


7.30am 9.00am
Nursery (am) 9.00am 12.00pm 3 15
* Children who wish to do full days in Nursery are cared for by the Nursery Team during the lunch period. 
Nursery (pm) 12.30pm 3.30pm 3 15
Reception 9.00am 3.30pm 6.5 32.5
Year 1 8.50am 3.20am 6.5 32.5
Year 2 8.50am 3.25pm 6hrs 35mins 32hrs 55mins
Year 3 8.50am 3.25pm 6hrs 35mins 32hrs 55mins
Year 4 8.50am 3.25pm 6hrs 35mins

32hrs 55mins

Year 5 8.45am 3.20pm 6hrs 35mins

32hrs 55mins

Year 6 8.45am 3.20pm 6hrs 35mins

32hrs 55mins

St Mary’s fulfils the guidance for a 32.5 hours per school week for pupils

For many pupils, their school day does not have to end at the scheduled time. The school offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities.